Senior Loan Broker
For the last 25 years I have exceeded the expectations of thousands of clients in the Bay Area. I am 100% committed to understanding my clients needs, goals and priorities. I always provide them with options so they can make educated decisions, while delivering Superior Service. My mission is to ensure a smooth, understandable and positive experience during and after the loan process. My goal is to have every client of mine end up being so satisfied with my services that they are compelled to refer me to their friends and family. Not by obligation but because they know they truly believe they will benefit.
Whether you're looking to refinance your existing mortgage, purchase your First home, Buy up, or invest in rental properties I have the resources and experience to find the right loan for you.
I pride myself on my quick response to everyone all the time. You can always reach me on my Smart Phone at ANY time. (408) 813-2770. Or you can text me if you like as well. I appreciate your calls and texts.
Compare rates with confidence. Rates are accurate and available as of the date seen for American Dream customers. Please be sure to identify yourself as an American Dream consumer to lenders to ensure you get the best rate. has today's most competitive mortgage rates.
We encourage you to get involved with SCCAOR by volunteering on our many committees. We also provide you with an update on local drought conditions and water saving tips and programs. Additionally, we introduce you to SCCAOR's new blog and share with you a story about the Installation of our new President Myron Von Raesfeld.
Replace your current mortgage with a better one by refinancing.
Low prices make it a good time to get into Investment Properties.
Transforming mortgage business into a fair, responsible and transparent market!
identify and possibly reduce these transaction costs.
Homebuyer's credit score is among the most important factors.
Now is a great time to be looking for deals!